Things to know about Classical Mechanics

What do you mean by PHYSICS ?

“The branch of science concerned with the nature and properties of matter and energy”.

Mechanics :

It is one of the main branches of physics which deals with the study and behavior of physical bodies when subjected to different types of forces or displacement, and the subsequent effect of bodies on the environment.

Types of mechanics :

Mechanics is the area of mathematics and physics concerned with the relationships between force, matter, and motion among physical objects.

There are two main types of mechanics:

  1. Classical mechanics
  2. Quantum mechanics

Classical mechanics deals with the study of macroscopic objects while quantum mechanics deals with the study of microscopic objects.

Types of classical mechanics :

Classical mechanics further divided into three types which are ,                 

                  i) Kinematics

                  ii) Statics

                  iii) Dynamics

i) Kinematics :

It is the branch of classical mechanics which describes the motion of points, bodies (objects) and systems of bodies (groups of objects) without consideration of the causes of motion.

So you only have velocities and accelerations without the forces/torques which creates the motion.

ii) Statics :

It is mainly deals with the forces acting on stationary bodies/body.

All the forces acting are in equilibrium .

iii) Dynamics :

It is the study of forces acting on moving bodies/body.

Application of forces when they are in motion.

Newton's Laws of Motion (The Three Laws of Physics) :

Newton's Laws of Motion (Motion, Force, Acceleration)

1. Law of Inertia : A body remains at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless acted upon by a external force.

2. Force = Mass x Acceleration : A body’s rate of change of momentum is proportional to the force causing it.

3. Action = Reaction : When a force acts on a body due to another body, then an equal and opposite force acts simultaneously on that body.

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